In the world of business there are three main categories when discussing the different types of industries there are. Those three categories are broken down into: tertiary or services, secondary or manufacturing and primary or extractive. In some parts of the world there are also two additional sectors that are recognized and they are quaternary and quinary but for the purpose of this article we'll only be focusing on the three main categories.

Each of the three main industries of primary, secondary and tertiary are classified based on ownership, size and materials. Ownership classification refers to whether a certain industry is private, public, state owned, a co-operative or a in the joint sector. Size classification deals with amount of capital invested in the industry, the volume of production and the number of people employed, whether they work for a medical clinic or a government science lab. Raw materials just state which raw materials classification the industry lies in, be it marine based, mineral based or forest based.

Primary and secondary industries tend to take up much of the attention whenever the three industries are discussed so we wanted to take some time to give tertiary industries a little bit of love. Tertiary or services industry can be defined as an industry that plays a part in the facilitating of services to businesses or consumers. The thing about the services industry is that it can be quite far reaching and include a number of different services such as teaching, accounting, selling art or managing.

Really, any job in the service industry such as hair stylist, airplane cabin crew, or even a < a herf="" rel="nofollow">home inspector, also employs those in these service industries. The one big characteristic of the services industry that sets it apart from the extractive and manufacturing industries is that no goods are produced in any services industries. The three main industries are like chains in a link. Primary industries extract materials, secondary industries manufacture the products extracted from primary industries, and tertiary (services) industries like foreign patent filing provide services using products that come from the primary and secondary industries.

There are sixteen main sub-categories in the services industries; some of which are: advertising, entertainment, health care, insurance, practice of law, marketing, online services, real estate, and tourism. If you're ever stuck wondering which industry a national phase entry job would be filed under it would most likely be the services industry since there is only a service being provided and nothing else.

If you enjoyed our article about service industries worldwide, you may also be interested in reading this article entitled "Work In Nigeria".

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